South Winds Ranch
Gage Brausen
PO Box 647
Ipswich, SD 57451
Call or Text 605-216-7858
Males are priced at $1,200 each and females are priced at $1,500 each. Blue eyed puppies may be higher priced if not already sold?
Dahlia had a litter of Miniature Golden Retrievers by Toad, born on August 12th, 2018. Puppies will mature around 35 to 40 pounds. Ready to go around October 7th, 2018.
"Star" cream/light gold female, born on August 12th, 2018, out of Dahlia and Toad. Happy, tail wagging, face licking little girl! Smallest of her litter. A bit sassy! Star is in training now! For sale: $2,500, including training. (Price may increase as her training increases).